Objectives of Local 2
The objectives of the International Union of Elevator Constructors Local 2 are namely: to develop and to maintain a higher standard of skill; to maintain an elevator constructor’s school for instructing and teaching the practical applications of the elevator industry; to promote reasonable methods of work; to cultivate feelings of friendship among those of our craft; to elevate the moral, intellectual and social conditions of our members, their families and dependents in the interest of higher standards of citizenship. Article I(a)
The objectives of this Union shall be to encourage a higher standard of skill among its Members; to cultivate a feeling of friendship among the craft; to obtain and maintain a fair standard of wages; to assist each other in securing employment; to protect the jurisdiction of the craft; to engage in cultural, civic, legislative, fraternal, educational, charitable, welfare, social, and other activities which further the interests, directly or indirectly, of this organization and its Membership; and to use all legal and appropriate means for the accomplishment of the foregoing objectives.
Page Last Updated: Nov 28, 2012 (12:35:26)